Month: September 1997

Don't Just Sit There

A well-known coach was once asked, "How much does college football contribute to the national physical-fitness picture?"


Haman had enormous power in Ahasuerus' kingdom, but he wanted more. When Mordecai the Jew would not bow to his arrogance, Haman was not content just to get even. He wanted to destroy all the Jews in Persia. But his lust for revenge cost him his own life (Est. 7:10).

A Godly Confidence

As I spoke with a friend who had just learned that his cancer had returned, I commented on his remarkably upbeat attitude. He responded by saying that the Lord always gives His people the inner strength they need to face each trial. My friend likened what the Lord was doing in his life to a car owner who makes sure that the tires have enough air pressure to enable them to carry a heavy load and roll safely over big bumps on the highway. He expects the Lord to give him exactly what he needs to face each test until He brings him safely Home.


If a person sees a house on fire and does everything he can to rescue the occupants, he is heralded as a hero. And that's the way it should be. Why is it, then, that a Christian who accepts what God says in the Bible about hell and tries to warn people is ridiculed as an alarmist?

The Leverage Of Prayer

Pastor and author A. B. Simpson told about an old farmer who plowed around a large rock in his field year after year. He had broken one cultivator and two plowshares by hitting it. Each time he saw that obstacle, he grumbled about how much trouble the rock had caused.

A Promise Kept

A close, longtime friend died after a 6-year battle with Alzheimer's disease. A few days after her death, my wife and I attended a wedding. As the bride and groom exchanged their vows, I pondered the whole matter of promising. It was beautiful to witness two excited young people in their twenties pledging their lives to each other. But it was profound to remember the faithfulness of our recently departed friend. She and her husband had kept their wedding vows for more than half a century, even when the final years were darkened by her memory loss and decline.

To Show His Strength

Although it's God's desire to reveal His power to us, we seldom give Him the chance.

Itching Ears

The apostle Paul warned Timothy that he would encounter people with an ailment he called "itching ears" (2 Tim. 4:3). Those who have this condition reject "sound doctrine" and look for teaching that suits "their own desires."

Control Of The Tube

Do you ever feel that society is whirling out of control? I feel that way sometimes when I read about what's on television. I say "read about" because I don't want to see most of what's on.